
Red Bucket Farm is an urban farm on a quarter acre property in an average residential neighborhood. We are located in Wisconsin, USDA Zone 5. We focus on chickens, bees, orchard fruit, and raised garden beds for fruits and veggies. We hope to reduce our footprint on the planet by growing some of our food, reducing our use of fossil fuels, and gardening with sustainable practices. Thanks for visiting!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Roasting Sweet Corn

It's sweet corn season in Wisconsin! We don't grow our own corn at Red Bucket Farm, but we take advantage of the season by visiting local farm stands. Lately, we've been buying two dozen ears of corn at a time.

Our favorite way to preserve sweet corn is simple. We soak the ears of corn--husks, silk and all--in water for 20-30 minutes, then roast whole on the grill. You can choose gas or charcoal grill, or even a campfire works nicely. Let the ears of corn cool, then remove the husks and silk. Cut the kernels off the cob with a sharp knife. Flash freeze the kernels in a thin layer on cookie sheets for an hour or two, then scrape into freezer bags. (Don't forget to compost the husks, and feed the cobs to the chickens.)

We have several bags of roasted corn waiting to be used over the winter. Roasted corn is a lovely addition to stews, soups, savory pies, gratins....the list is endless. Don't miss out on the corn this season!

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